disney plus not working on samsung tv

If you are getting the problems or issues when you are using the Disney plus app on your Samsung smart tv. If Disney plus is not working on Samsung smart tv, it may be due to software update on your television or any other reason to get the issues.

How to fix Disney plus app not working issues on Samsung smart tv?

You can follow the below instructions to fix the Disney plus not working on Samsung tv issues. Check the instructions for Samsung tv models 2016. 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.

1. Unplug the Power cord Cable

You can try to unplug power cable of your Samsung smart tv to fix the Disney + app is not working problems. You need to unplug your power cable from outlets and wait for the 1 minute and plug in back.

Now, you need to power on your Samsung smart tv and open the Disney + application on your smart tv. Check it is working fine or not. IF not, you can follow other instructions to resolve the issue.

2. Update your Samsung smart tv Software

You can update your Samsung smart tv software to fix the issues. Follow the below steps to update the software on Samsung smart tv

1. Open the Settings menu by using your samsung smart tv remote control.

2. Select the Support option and press OK button to open it.

3. Select the Software and press on OK button on your tv remote.

4. Select the Update software

5. Check the available software update for your smart tv. If software upgrade available, select it and install.

After updating the software on your Samsung smart tv, it will be automatically restarted and reboot again. Now, you can open your Disney plus app on Samsung tv and check the issues is resolved.

How to delete and reinstall the Disney Plus app on Samsung tv?

Follow the below steps to uninstall and install again the Disney application on Samsung smart tv.

1. Go to the Apps Section.

2. Select the Settings gear icon and press OK button.

3. Find your Disney application and delete the app from tv store.

4. Now, you need to open the app store and install the Disney plus app on your Samsung tv.

5. Launch your app and enter the credentials for using it.

Now, the app is working fine on your smart tv after using these instructions.

How to reset smart hub in Samsung Smart tv?

Follow the steps to reset Samsung tv smart hub:

1. Open the Settings Menu on your Samsung smart tv.

2. Select the Support option and press Ok button.

3. Select the Self Diagnosis option and open it.

4. Select the Reset Smart Hub and press oK button for resetting.