You can enjoy tv shows & movies streamed on your element smart tv or element Andriod tv by download & installing apps like Netflix, vudu, Pandora, Disney+ and many more.

If you don’t know how to add app on element smart tv or element andriod tv, then you can follow the below instrutions for adding new apps on your element tv.

How to add apps to Element Andriod TV

You can download a new app by using following easy below steps:

  1. Download app on Element Andriod TV by Home Page
  2. Take your element android tv remote control and press on the Home icon button.
  3. After that, select the Google Play store app.
  4. After that, you need to select your desired android app for your element android tv. Press on the install button for adding app on your andriod tv. Note : You can check the available app for Andriod tv at

How to download app on Element Smart TV

You can only stream apps which are available on your element smart tv. You can follow the below steps for streaming app on your element smart tv.

  1. Take your element smart tv remote control amd press on the Menu button.
  2. After that, select the STREAMING option by using your remote’s arrow navigation buttons and press on OK button.
  3. Now, a list of available apps ( like YouTube, VUDU, Netflix, Facebook, twitter, Accuweather, Pandora and many more) will show on your tv’s screen.
  4. After that, you can select your app which you want to stream on your tv.