You want to remove or delete the unwanted app from your Hisense app store. If you don’t sure how to remove the app from the app store, then follow the below instruction for uninstalling.

You can uninstall app on your Hisense tv that you have installed the app on your Hisense smart tv. You can’t remove the factory-installed app on your tv.

Uninstalling App on Hisense tv

  1. Go to your Apps section and select your app what you want to delete. Long press on OK Button on your Hisense tv remote control.
  2. After that, you need to press on the Uninstall button.
  3. Now, a dialogue box will appear on your tv screen for confirmation to delete this app. If you want to remove, then confirm to remove the app from the apps screen.

Note: If you deleted the app, then all information also deleted that related to your app from your tv.