install Plex Media Server

Plex media server helps to share your media files and represents your files on all type devices.

If you want to use the plex media server on your Linux based system. But, you don’t know how to install Plex Media Server on Linux. You need to follow the below commands for installing plex media server on your Linux system.

Follow the steps to install plex media server on Linux via Snap

  1. Open your Linux system’s terminal.
  2. You need to run the below command for install plex media server in Linux.

    sudo snap install plexmediaserver –beta

  3. If you have already installed the program, then you can use the below command for update with the latest version.

    sudo snap refresh plexmediaserver

How to uninstall plex media server on Linux

If you don’t use this program on your Linux system, then you need to run the below command for uninstalling the program.

sudo snap remove plexmediaserver