How to delete shows from continue watching on Netflix

Netflix is the most popular entertainment platform all around the world. Netflix has great original shows which popular all around the worlds. If you are a user of the Netflix program and you want to hide your watched program to your friend or someone, then you can follow this article how to remove shows from continue watching on Netflix.

If you start a new show and movie on your Netflix. After some time, you feel this tv shows or movies is not good. You want to delete shows from Netflix Continue Watching list because you want to share your Netflix account to someone or your friends.

The process of Netflix remove continue watching shows is a little difficult. You need to follow the below steps and you can easily delete your watching history from Netflix.

Note: Deleting of Netflix watching history is not available on all platforms. Netflix is not given the permission to delete continue watching history on some devices. You can use your computer for removing shows from continue watching list on Netflix.

How to delete movies or TV shows from Netflix Continue Watching List

If you don’t know how to get rid of continue watching on Netflix, then you can use the below steps to clear continue watching on Netflix.

  1. Open your Netflix and login to your account.
  2. After that, select your profile on your Netflix.
  3. Your Profile name is showing on your screen’s top right corner side.
  4. After that, your profile window opens your screen. You need to select the Viewing Activity.
  5. After selection of the Viewing Activity option, there show all your watching tv shows and movies list on your screen.
  6. If you want to delete continue watching on Netflix, then you need to click on the X button for deleting the particular TV show or movies on your Netflix.
  7. If you want to remove the TV shows and movies from showing in Continue Watching list on the Netflix. You need to click on the Remove Series appearing text for clear shows from Netflix continues watching. It maybe takes up to one day or less for removing from Netflix continue watching list.
  8. If you want to check your tv show and movies shows deleted from Netflix continue watching windows. You need to go to your Netflix home screen, If your movies and tv shows do not appear there, then it is permanently removed from the Netflix Continue Watching list.