How to install PyCharm IDE on Ubuntu

If you program in Python and are looking for a good development environment , know and see how to install the PyCharm IDE on Ubuntu and derivatives.

PyCharm is an integrated development environment (IDE) used in programming with the Python language. PyCharm is multi-platform, that is, it works on Windows, Mac OS and Linux.

How to install PyCharm IDE on Ubuntu and derivatives

This IDE provides code analysis, a graphical debugger, an integrated unit tester, integration with version control systems (VCSes), and supports web development with Django.

Get the latest version of the latest PyCharm IDE

PyCharm 2017.3.2 comes with some patches and minor improvements, of which the following stand out and write notes ahead of time. You can not put an inline type annotation when defining a variable in a for or a with statement, so you need to provide the annotation in a separate place. This is now supported in PyCharm.

Show command line afterwards now works correctly for remote interpreters. And it fixes this feature.

Multiple SQL syntax corrections for PostgreSQL and Oracle (PyCharm Professional Edition groups all DataGrip features);

Improvements in completion of the reaction code (PyCharm Professional Edition encompasses all WebStorm features).

How to install PyCharm IDE on Ubuntu and its derivatives

PyCharm has two editions like Community and Professional. The Community Edition is released under the Apache License, and the Professional Edition released under a proprietary license, with extra features. Below, see the procedures for installing both versions.

How to install the latest version of the PyCharm IDE Ubuntu and other distros that support Snap

To install the latest PyCharm IDE on Ubuntu and its derivatives via Snap, you should do the following:

Step 1. Open a terminal (on Unity use the CTRL + ALT + T keys)
Step 2. If this is the first time you install an application using the SNAP package, you may need to install the snapd with this command (if it is not already installed).
sudo apt-get install snapd snapd-xdg-open
Step 3. Install the latest version of the PyCharm community IDE on Ubuntu via SNAP using this command:
sudo snap install pycharm-community –classic
Step 4. Install the latest version of the PyCharm professional IDE on Ubuntu via SNAP, using this command:
sudo snap install pycharm-professional –classic
Step 5. Later, if you need to update the PyCharm IDE snap, use:
sudo snap refresh pycharm-community –classic
sudo snap refresh pycharm-community pycharm-professional
Step 6. Then, if necessary, uninstall the program, using the command below
sudo snap remove pycharm-community pycharm-professional

How to install the PyCharm IDE on Ubuntu 16.04, 14.04, Linux Mint 18.17 and its derivatives

To install the PyCharm IDE and still be able to automatically receive future updates from it, you must do the following:

Step 1. Open a terminal (Using Dash or pressing CTRL + ALT + T)

Step 2. Add the application repository with the following command:

Step 3. Download and add the GetDeb repository key with the command:

Step 4. Update Apt with the command below:

sudo apt-get update

Step 5. If you want to install the basic PyCharm IDE, use this command:

sudo apt-get install pycharm

Step 6. If you want to install the PyCharm Professional IDE, use this command

sudo apt install pycharm-professional

Step 7. Then, if you need to uninstall, use the command below

sudo apt remove –autoremove pycharm pycharm-professional

How to install the PyCharm IDE on Ubuntu 17.04, 16.10 and its derivatives

To install the PyCharm IDE on Ubuntu and still be able to automatically receive future updates from it, you should do the following:

Step 1. Open a terminal (on Unity use the CTRL + ALT + T keys)

Step 2. If you do not already have it, add the program repository

Step 3. Update the package manager with the command:

sudo apt-get update

Step 4. If you want to install the basic PyCharm IDE, use this command:

sudo apt-get install pycharm

Step 5. If you want to install the PyCharm Professional IDE

sudo apt install pycharm-professional

Step 6. Then, if you need to uninstall, use the command below;

sudo apt remove –autoremove pycharm pycharm-professional

How to install the PyCharm IDE manually or in other distros

If you do not want to add the repository or want to try installing in another Debian-based distribution, you can pick up the DEB file from the program on that link or another link and install it manually (double-clicking on it).