If you faced some issues about the LG TV keeps turning off all by itself and you don’t know how to resolve my LG tv turns on and off issue. This article helps you in resolving the LG tv turns off by itself issue.
Follow the steps for troubleshooting the LG TV turns on and off repeatedly
- Firstly, check your removable power cord cable that is properly connected with your LG Smart TV.
- Check your power cord cable is properly plugged into power sockets.
- You can check the Timing menu option. It is also affected your lg tv turns on and off if you set the timing for sleeping the LG TV
You can check the Timer set following the below steps:
1. Take your LG TV Remote, press on the Smart Button.
2. After that, Select the Setting and Choose the Time Option and press on the Enter button.
3. Here, You can also Check the on and off time for your LG TV.
Off Time– Check the off time is not set for Turning of the LG TV.
On Time- If on time is set and your TV is inactive for 2 hours then your LG TV is automatically turn off. You can check the ON TIME is set or not.
Sleep Time- Your LG TV is automatically turn off as per your set time. Check the Sleep time is set or not. - If you don’t find any issue related to LG tv turns off by itself and won’t turn back on then you can unplug your power cord cable and wait 1 minute before plug it again.
- After that, you found your LG tv keeps turning off then you can contact the LG Customer Support for resolving the LG tv shut off issue or LG tv keeps turning off issue.
At the Last
Check your LG Tv’s cache memory. If Your LG TV’s cache memory is overloaded then clear it. In some cases, if your LG TV overloaded then a message shown on your TV screen. After that, your LG TV powered off.
If you don’t find the “Clear Cache memory” issue then it may be your LG TV’s some electronic part is defective.