Looking for an option to create media from your favorite distribution in Windows? So here’s how to create a Linux installation disk on Windows with LinuxLive USB Creator.

LinuxLive USB Creator or LiLi USB Creator is free software for Windows that allows you to create a Linux installation disk on Windows from an ISO image or from a media from some Linux distribution.

LinuxLive USB Creator 2.0

With this program, you just need to download the system installation image in ISO format and then use the program to turn the pen drive into an installation device of your favorite system to use or give to your friend who does not know Linux.

How to install and use LinuxLive USB Creator to create a Linux installation disk in Windows

To install and use LinuxLive USB Creator, you must do the following:

Step 1: Download the program by accessing LinuxLive USB Creator or LiLi USB Creator official website and then install it.

Step 2: To run LinuxLive USB Creator, click on the Start menu, then on “All Programs”, and finally, on “LinuxLive USB Creator” or, if you prefer, type the name in the search field.

Step 3: To authorize the execution of the program, enter the administrator password or click “Yes”

Step 4: In Step 1 of the program, choose the pen drive that will receive the installation files of the Linux distribution

LinuxLive_USB_Creator_2.0Step 5: In Step 2 of the program, indicate the source of where it will take the distro or the installer of it. In this step, you can use files in media image formats (“ISO / IMG / ZIP” option), extract everything from a CD or DVD (“CD” option), or download from the web directly, choosing the distribution in an application (“Download” option)

LinuxLive USB Creator 2.0Step 6: In this step, you can reserve a space on the Pen Drive for storing system data. This can be very useful if you need to use the distribution directly from the USB device, that is, without any installation on the computer. This space can range from 250 MB to 2 GB.

Step 7: In this step, the program screen is to define what will be done with the files currently present on your pen drive. They can be hidden or deleted. In this item, you can also enable or disable the initialization of LiveUSB within Windows.

Step 8: Finally, after configuring and checking the options, just click on the ray icon to start the process.

Ready! With this program, even in Windows, you can always create your Linux distribution disks.