Watch your screen become squeaky clean with this simple smartphone cleaner.

SmartKlear’s carbon cleaning technology is actually used by NASA in their space station. After you’ve swiped the pad across the screen a few times, your screen will be clear. Then when you replace the pad into the holder, the friction it and a pad in the cap causes the carbon molecules to shift—giving a fresh cleaning surface every time.

Needless to say, we use and take our phones everywhere. All that travel and touching makes them a breeding ground for bacteria. SmartKlear’s all natural anti-bacterial formula will get rid of your phone’s sneaky biosphere.

Keep this device handy in your pocket or let it be a permanent resident in your backpack. If it’s good enough for space shuttles, it’s good enough for your screen.


Product Description
The best way to clean fingerprints and kill bacteria on iPhones, Android Phones and other handheld smart screens!

Cleans fingerprints easily using our exclusive molecular based technology, Invisible Carbon cleaning compound.

Eliminates the need to carry around messy liquids and dirty cloths.

Never expires!

Replaceable cleaning pad – 300 cleanings per pad

No Cloths, No Liquids!

Not affected by Heat, Cold or Humidity!

Not only does our technology clean your screens better than anything else, it also contains an all-natural antibacterial which kills bacteria while the Carbon cleans.

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