It is sometimes normal to experience more or less intense moments of stress. Waiting for medical results or sometimes , it is simple head to head and it can cause stress or anxiety peaks. But once these situations or problems are resolved and most people move on.
This is not the case for 6.8 million Americans with anxiety disorders. This “disease” carries a name: generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). It is characterized by daily pervasive anxiety, sometimes for no reason at all. Many people suffering from TAG and they are not even aware of this. It also affects women more than men.
Does this sound familiar? Would you be suffering from anxiety disorder? Or maybe you know someone in your circle who would show some signs? Do not waste time and know to distinguish the symptoms.
1. Excessive anxiety
We are all concerned with health, money and family problems.
A person with anxiety disorder will always feel that everything is going wrong. A day quickly turns into a battlefield to cross, to prevent it from doing its daily tasks.
Sometimes you’re a little too neurotic, a perfectionist, or are you always on the cutting edge? You may well be subject to anxiety disorders.
2. Muscle tension
Anxiety is not limited only to the mind. On the contrary, it could have important repercussions on your physical health: it increases the muscular tensions.
If the muscles of your cheeks are stiff and sore, this could be a sign of a much more serious case.
3. Headaches
Headaches are the result of muscle tension. If you are ever experiencing severe headaches in muscular areas (such as the temples or the eye), you may have a TAG.
According to an American association fighting anxiety and depression, headache may be the first sign of this disease.
4. Difficulties of concentration
A person is more anxious and the more difficult to concentrate. A person with a TAG is very easily distracted by all that surrounds it. Indeed, the mind works much too fast and seeks to analyze and deal with all problems at the same time. This gives to end a zero concentration on a precise information.
In addition to not being effective but it needs to use twice as much energy to stay the course and it is not being totally engulfed in this flow of thoughts.
In order to avert this anxiety, some people must absolutely distract themselves in order to forget worries and temporize (to browse the net at work, etc.).
5. Excessive sweating
You do not steal the same sweat during the sport as during a stressful time.
When you are hot or sports. The endocrine glands located all under the skin and function to cool the body. But during a peak of stress, it is the apocrine glands which located in particular areas such as armpits .
If you ever sweat a lot of your hands and armpits, it’s time to go and talking to your doctor.
6. Nausea
Most nausea that is not caused by food poisoning or upset stomach but it is actually caused by stress or fear.
If you are prone to seizures, especially when you are stressed and you do not waste time talking to your doctor. Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Take the time to breathe slowly. You will see, it will calm the stomach pains.
7. Often want to go to the bathroom?
You constantly want to go to the toilet? Are you always worried about finding yourself in a place without a WC (public transport, etc.)? And sometimes you crave, but nothing comes?
If this kind of scenario happens, it is the sign of anxiety disorders. Your digestive system is very sensitive. Stress upsets hormones, changes the speed of your digestion and puts pressure on your intestines.
8. Sleep Disorders
TAG also manifests itself in sleep disorder. Just before bed, the brain thinks of a thousand and one things that alter your desire to sleep.
Sleep is important for physical and mental health, even emotional. So if you can not remember the last time you had a good night, talk to your doctor.
9. Tremor
Tremors are also a sign of anxiety disorder, especially if they occur during a peak of stress and continue after. The reason is simple: Peak stress equals adrenaline peak.
Anxiety triggers the survival instinct in response to a danger, even if the latter is absent. This produces an adrenaline rush that provides energy and prepares the body for any dangerous situation. This also triggers a contraction of the venous system in order to irrigate the nerve cells. All this causes tremors.
10. On the alert
The panic attack is one of the biggest symptoms of anxiety disorder. The body responds to this extra stress by nervousness and therefore sensitivity to the slightest thing. He is always on the alert.
However, panic attacks can also translate into other pathologies. This is why it is important to know how to distinguish the first signs of their appearance.