You get an error “Directv no servers were detected” while you tried to connected. You can follow the below instruction for how to fix no server connection error or error codes 611, error codes 612 and error code 613.
What causes of Directv no servers detected an error
You will get DirecTV network connection not found or DirecTV no server error when your DirecTV device not connected properly with your Genie receiver. You can check the below reasons why you will see these errors and what does it mean when DirecTV says no server.
- Your Genie receiver and wireless video bridge are not connected properly.
- Your power cord or another cable not connected properly with outlet or other equipment.
- Power is not coming on your wireless video bridge or restarting again and again.
- You Genie receiver is not working properly.
How to fix DirecTV network connection not found an error
You can press the RED Reset button on your receiver for resetting all settings and functions. You can also try to reset your wireless video bridge for resolving these issues.