Water is the most abundant element of the organism. In a newborn, it is up to 75% of its body weight and in adults between 50 and 60%, being higher in the case of men. In the following article, tells you the symptoms and how to treat fluid retention through an adapted diet.

The water is distributed in different compartments like,  there is the intracellular fluid that is found inside the cells and on the other hand the extracellular fluid which is outside the cells and which in turn splits in the interstitial fluid which is the one that bathes the cells and plasma that is liquid that is part of the blood.

The body has systems that regulate and keep in balance the levels of water and solutes in the different compartments, but when this balance is broken, what we call liquid retention can be produced. As a consequence, edema is formed, which is an abnormal increase in the volume of interstitial fluid. It is a problem that tends to occur more frequently in women than in men.

What are the symptoms

The ankles and eyelids are typical areas where this accumulation of fluid occurs. In this case, it is a local edema. The skin appears stretched or shiny and if you press with your finger, there is a trace that disappears little by little. These symptoms are very common in times of summer with high temperatures.

A regional edema can also be formed, for example in an extremity, or general that affects the whole organism.

What are the causes that cause it

There are several causes that can cause this fluid accumulation:

  • Incorrect hydration.
  • Poor nutrition: for the high consumption of foods rich in salt
  • Hormonal changes such as pregnancy or ovulation. Pregnancy: it is a stage in women where many hormonal changes occur that can cause fluid retention.
  • Consumption of certain medications such as estrogens, corticosteroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, drugs for blood pressure.
  • Spend many hours standing or sitting or following a sedentary lifestyle
  • Diseases derived from the heart, liver or kidneys as well as alteration of the thyroid.

Tips to avoid having a fluid retention

If you suffer from fluid retention problems, I recommend you pay attention to the following tips:

Follow a varied and balanced diet.

Potentiates the consumption of potassium-rich foods since this mineral regulates water levels in the body. These foods are, among others, zucchini, mushrooms, potatoes and legumes or fruits such as banana, pineapple or apricot.

Moderates the consumption of salt

Use little salt to season the dishes and avoid all those foods rich in salts such as preserves, frozen products, precooked foods, chips, smoked, olives, cheeses or sausages.

Stay at a healthy weight

If you suffer from overweight or obesity I advise you to lose weight in a healthy way with the help of a dietitian-nutritionist.

Drink a minimum of 1.5L of water every day

It is important that you hydrate properly. Many people think that when there is fluid retention it is better not to drink water and it is precisely the opposite. The water helps in the purification of the organism to eliminate the toxins and reestablish the water balance that we talked about before. You can include infusions of plants with diuretic properties such as horsetail, elderberry, dandelion or birch. You can also make broths of onion, celery, and parsley to take between meals.