If you are one of the many curious that has not endured the temptation and you have done with a Raspberry Pi to develop your projects in your free time (from a web server to a radio station ) here we bring you a few commands for the terminal that you they will save some time.
Basic Raspberry Pi commands
To start your journey you just have to launch the Raspbian LXTerminal program , the first thing you will see then will be something similar to:
pi@raspberrypi ~ $
- For browsing between folders:
- Print in the terminal the directory in which you are
- See the contents of the directory
- Change to another directory
cd nombredeldirectorio
- Print in the terminal the directory in which you are
- For the creation of directories we use:
- For a single directory
mkdir nombredirectorio
- For a directory tree
mkdir -p /home/usuario/directorio1/directorio2
- For a single directory
Show information about the hardware
It is true that a Windows or Mac computer is a simple thing to find information about our hardware by viewing My Pc or On this Mac but if you have a Raspberry Pi is that you like to be different, you can have information about the hardware of your Raspberry Pi with The following Raspberry Pi commands:
- To know the general hardware information:
cat /proc/cpuinfo
- To know the state of the memory:
at /proc/meminfo
- To see the partitions of the memory card or the hard disk:
cat /proc/partitions
- If we want to know the version of our Rasp:
cat /proc/version
- CPU temperature :
vcgencmd measure_temp
- Display all connected USB devices :
All these commands will allow us to know in detail everything that our device has and to know what we can and what we can not do with it.
The most important Raspberry Pi commands
- To enter the Raspbian configuration window:
sudo raspi-config
- If we are in command line mode and want to return to graphic mode:
- Turn off the device:
sudo shutdown -h
- Restart the Raspberry:
sudo shutdown -r now
The command window may frighten you a bit, but if you go to try it you will discover little by little, with the use, the great potential that it has.
This list is just the beginning, a small push for you to start experimenting with the terminal on your Raspberry Pi, over time you will realize how useful it is and how much time you save on your projects.