The miracle ointment. Recipes and application
Ointments for all occasions. Recipes of traditional medicine.
This ointment heals many diseases: fibroids, mastitis, gangrene, ulcers (including trophic), burns, boils, abscesses, painful joints, most chronic sinusitis, purulent otitis, abscesses in the throat, eczema, ovarian cysts – all this will cure a miracle – ointment!
In an enamel bowl pour 1 cup refined vegetable oil, beeswax throw to the size of a matchbox and put the dishes on a small fire, the wax melted. Half of the yolk of eggs, hard-boiled, crushed with a fork on a plate with your fingers and slowly added to the bowl with oil and wax. Stir and remove from heat and allow to stand for 10-15 minutes. Then strain through a nylon cloth. Store in the refrigerator in a glass container. The ointment is very effective. If it is necessary to lay the ointment, it is heated in a water bath to 40 grams.
It cures:
1. Sinusitis.
Melted in a tablespoon and then typed into the pipette ointment instilled into the nose when the most terrible sinusitis. That it is not frozen, do it all quickly. Enough to drip ointment in the nose twice with an interval between instillation of one hour, and you can get rid of the monthly even sinusitis. Ointment breaks maxillary sinus and pulls the pus with huge force!
2. purulent otitis.
Twist the flagellum of fleece and insert into the ear. As the need to change the flagellum, while salve behind his ear. Ointment pull the pus with tremendous force. So it is possible to treat all otitis, not only purulent.
3. abscesses in the throat, abscesses in the throat, purulent tonsillitis.
Salve his throat, put a compress on the neck. If you do all this in the evening, every hour repeating the procedure, by morning the abscess burst.
4. bronchi, stomach pain, in the intestine, boils at body barleys eyes.
Three times a day before meals for take half a teaspoon of cream.
5. burns, boils, sores, swelling, toothache, joint pain knees.
Apply it at night on the sore spot, and wrapping his zamatyvaya. Clean finger daubed aching tooth and the gum to lubricate with ointment, and you will see how the sores begin to recede. The result is bound to be excellent.
6. Trophic ulcers, gangrene.
Also apply ointment and wipes also change after 2 hours. From wounds will abundant pus to go, you’ll see how fast your moving life-saving treatment, despite all sorts of idle expensive drugs. Burns, boils, sores, swelling, inflammation of the skin, toothache (on the gums with a cotton wool ointment).
7. This ointment can strengthen your nails, rubbing the ointment at night in the nails.
Note: The wax is necessary to take bee, natural. For outdoor use, you can take any oil, and for the domestic olive better.
The anti-inflammatory ointment.
1 cup of animal fat, 100 grams of vegetable oil, 1 tbsp of birch buds, 50 grams of propolis. In a water bath to melt fat, bring to a boil, add birch buds, stand in a water bath for 3 hours while cooling add propolis, stop. After the dissolution of propolis pour vegetable oil. Leave in the water bath until cool. Strain and store in refrigerator.
It helps with bronchitis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis.
The ointment, which heals all good, even the wounds fester.
For the preparation of ointments need fresh juice Potentilla goose. On the portion of ointment to take 1 tbsp juice of this plant. In this amount of juice to put 60 g of melted pork fat. Stir and leave in a warm place, and then mix again until smooth. Then to put 1 tsp beeswax and propolis slightly.
The mixture was put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer on low heat for 5 minutes. Again, leave in a warm place for 2 hours, to all present. Then put the cream in the fridge, but every hour to get cream and stir well so that it is uniformly thickened. Now ointment is ready.
Keep it should be refrigerated. Using it is simple. Imposes an ointment on the wound, and on top – dressing. Very soon, the wound will be tightened.
Ointment of grass cudweed of wounds, ulcers, boils.
10 gr. ground powder of dried grass cudweed mixed with 50 g. butter or vegetable oil and 1 tsp honey.
Carefully all pounded. Ointment is applied to the wound 2-3 times a day, and boils at – under plaster. Heal wounds very quickly.
The healing miracle ointment
Take 40g. natural wax (no honeycomb!), 100g. olive oil (can be vegetable), 2 tbsp sugar. Wax crumbled in the oil, add the sugar and put on a slow fire. Slow stirring to melt the wax in the oil and sugar.
Soluble long and slow. Continuously stir the sugar starts to be burnt (but it’s not particularly scary). As a result, the wax as it goes from solid to soft. Should get a uniform ointment. Cool and can be used.
This ointment deep penetration.
This cream removes any inflammation.
1. Runny nose and nasal congestion. Spread on the bridge or to lay into each nostril. It does not sting. Especially good, who have small children, so as not to torment them with drops. It helps immediately.
2.Bolnoe throat. It is also spread in the area of the tonsils. Wrap throat.
3.Kashel. Rub the chest. We make the front and rear.
4.Bolyachki in the mouth and on the lips.
5.Vospalenie ear. Tamponchiki inside. Passes to the following day.
6.Lyubaya abrasions and sores on the skin surface have obvious inflammation around. Son of the past summer cool skinned ear. By evening, the ear has become a bright red and swollen. In the heat of the street. The bandage does not apply. Nor will the boy with her to walk down the street.
7.Rastyazhenie muscles.
8.Sustavnye pain.