hisense tv screen went black

Many of the time Hisense TV has sound but no picture and Hisense tv screen went black. These type of Hisense tv picture problems arise to connected many external input devices like DVD, Blu-ray, decoder and many more.

Check out the points of Hisense tv picture problems

  1. Many customers don’t select the right input source for connecting the external devices. For Example, DVD players are connected on AV1 port. But, many of the users are connect the DVD players on other port. They will get Hisense tv black screen with sound.
  2. You can select the input. Press on the source and select the right input. For example AV1, AV2, HDMI1, HDMI2 and many more. If your Hisense smart tv is on channel mode then you can be selected by CH1, CH2 and more.
  3. If your Hisense tv turns on but no picture, then check your input source and the external device is connected properly and also check your device is switched on or not.
  4.  If the user uses the Hisense smart tv for tunning the TV channels. But, the user switched off the TV and switched on again, then it will show the last viewed channel on your tv.
  5. If you are selected AV and HDMI input on your TV, then you can’t select the Tuning option by press the menu button.

Note: If you found all above Hisense tv picture problems point correctly. You need to call the nearest Hisense customer service center.