Why my Hisense tv wont turn on_

If your Hisense tv won’t turn on, then you need to check the few steps for troubleshooting your Hisense smart tv’s turning on problems.

Check out the points for resolving the Hisense TV wont turn on problems

If your Hisense lcd tv wont turn on, then you need to follow the below steps to troubleshoot your Hisense smart tv won’t turn on issues.

  1. Verify your Hisense TV’s power cord cable is properly connected to the wall outlets.
  2. Make sure your wall outlets button are switched on.
  3. Check your Hisense tv’s underneath switch is ON/OFF. If your TV’s switched on, then your tv’s standby light show on.
  4. If you don’t find any above problems and your tv’s standby is not light up. You need to call your Hisense customer service for fixing your Hisense smart tv won’t turn on problems.

How to reset Hisense smart tv

If your Hisense tv will not turn on, then you can follow the below steps to resolve the issues.

  1. Unplug your all tv’s power cord cables and wait for 10 minutes before plug it again.
  2. Plug it your power cable to a wall switch and press and hold your tv’s power on button for 1 minute.
  3. You can also try another method for fixing the problems. Take your hisense smart tv remote, press and hold the Channel Down & Volume UP button, after that power on your hisense tv.
  4. After that, check your tv’s error has been fixed.