If you want to recreate the unity 8 inspired themes on your Linux based system. But, you don’t know how to install unity 8 themes on Linux.
You can follow this article for installing a beautiful and inspired Unity 8 theme on your Linux based computer.
Follow the steps to install Unity 8 theme in Linux
Follow the below steps to install Unity 8 theme in Linux.
- Open your Linux based terminal.
- If you have no zip file of the Unity theme then you can download the Unity 8 theme zip file from GitHub. Follow the below command for downloading the Unity 8 theme.
wget https://github.com/B00merang-Project/Unity8/archive/master.zip
- After that, you need to unzip the Unity 8 theme zip file in the theme folder for your user. Follow the below command for unzipping.
unzip master.zip -d .themes/
- If you need to install the Unity 8 theme for all Users, then you need to follow the command for unzipping the Unity 8 theme in Linux.
sudo unzip master.zip -d /usr/share/themes/
After installing the Unity 8 inspired theme on Linux, then you need to set or change the theme on your Linux based Computer.
Follow the below command for changing the theme in your system.
Unity – gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme “Unity8-master
Gnome – gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme “Unity8-master and gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme “Unity8-master
XFCE – xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/ThemeName -s “Unity8-master
How to uninstall the Unity 8 theme on linux
Follow the below commands for uninstalling Unity 8 theme on linux
Uninstall the themes for your user
rm -Rf .themes/Unity8-master/
Uninstall the Unity 8 theme for all users
sudo rm -Rf /usr/share/themes/Unity8-master
If you want to return on your previous state theme, then follow the below command
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme “Radiance”