How to install 4K Video Downloader on Linux

How to install 4K Video Downloader on Linux

If you are looking for a feature to download videos from online services, here’s how to install 4K Video Downloader on Linux.

4K Video Downloader is an application that allows you to download YouTube content and other video platforms, back up Instagram photos, convert video to mp3, and to create and share presentations.

The tool can take videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook and Dailymotion , as well as have versions for Windows, Mac and Linux.

How to install 4K Video Downloader on Linux

To install 4K Video Downloader on Linux, do the following:
Step 1. Open a terminal;
Step 2. If you have already done some manual installation, delete the previous folder, link, and shortcut with this command;

sudo rm -Rf /opt/4kvideodownloader*
sudo rm -Rf /usr/bin/4kvideodownloader

sudo rm -Rf /usr/share/applications/4kvideodownloader.desktop
Step 3. Check if your system is 32-bit or 64-bit by using the following command in the terminal:

uname -m

Step 4. If your system is 32-bit, use the command below to download the program. If the link is outdated, go to this page and download the latest version and save it as 4kvideodownloader.tar.bz2:

wget -O 4kvideodownloader.tar.bz2
Step 5. If your system is 64-bit, use the command below to download the program. If the link is outdated, go to this page and download the latest version and save it as 4kvideodownloader.tar.bz2:

wget -O 4kvideodownloader.tar.bz2
Step 6. Use the following command to unzip the downloaded file;

sudo tar -xjvf 4kvideodownloader.tar.bz2 -C /opt/
Step 7. Rename the created folder;

sudo mv /opt/4kvideodownloader*/ /opt/4kvideodownloader
Step 8. Add the program libraries to the system;

sudo ldconfig /opt/4kvideodownloader/
Step 9. Finally, create a shortcut to make it easier to run the program;

sudo ln -sf /opt/4kvideodownloader/4kvideodownloader-bin /usr/bin/4kvideodownloader

Step 10. If your current graphical environment supports, create a launcher for the program by running the command below;

echo -e ‘[Desktop Entry]\n Version=1.0\n Name=4kvideodownloader\n Exec=/opt/4kvideodownloader/./\n Icon=/\n Type=Application\n Categories=Application’ | sudo tee /usr/share/applications/4kvideodownloader.desktop

Step 11. Then, if you need to uninstall the program, just do step 2.