install XAMPP on Linux

Having a complete web server locally can be tricky,  To have this feature on your system for installing xampp server, here’s how to install XAMPP on Linux.

XAMPP is a platform-independent server and it is consisting primarily of the MySQL database,  the Apache web server and the interpreters for scripting languages like PHP and Perl. The name comes from the abbreviation of X (for any of the different operating systems), Apache, MySQL, PHP, Perl.

The program is free software governed by the GNU license. It acts as a free web server, easy to use and able to interpret dynamic pages. XAMPP is currently available for Microsoft Windows, GNU / Linux, Solaris, and MacOS X.

Installing XAMPP on Linux

To install XAMPP on Linux, do the following:

Step 1. Open a terminal;
Step 2. Check if your system is 32-bit or 64-bit by using the following command in the terminal:

uname -m

Step 3. If you are using a 32-bit system, use the command below to download the program.

wget -O

Step 4. If you are using a 64-bit system, use the command below to download the program.

wget -O
Step 5. Make the executable file with the command below;

chmod +x
Step 6. Start the XAMPP installation, with the following command;

sudo ./
Step 7. When prompted, follow the steps in the installation and configuration wizard:

Step 8. If your current graphical environment supports 32 bit, create a launcher for the program by running the command below;

echo -e ‘[Desktop Entry]\n Version=1.0\n Name=xampp\n Exec=gksudo /opt/lampp/\n Icon=/opt/lampp/icons/world1.png\n Type=Application\n Categories=Application’ | sudo tee /usr/share/applications/xampp.desktop
Step 9. If your current graphical environment supports and is 64-bit, create a launcher for the program by running the command below;

echo -e ‘[Desktop Entry]\n Version=1.0\n Name=xampp\n Exec=gksudo /opt/lampp/\n Icon=/opt/lampp/icons/world1.png\n Type=Application\n Categories=Application’ | sudo tee /usr/share/applications/xampp.desktop
Step 10. For the shortcut to work properly, install GKSU with the command below. If your distribution is not derived from Debian, look for the program in its package manager and install it;

sudo apt-get install gksu

Ready! Now, when you want to start the program, type sudo /opt/lampp/ or sudo /opt/lampp/ or a terminal, followed by the TAB key.

If your distribution supports it, place the shortcut on your desktop using the system file manager or the command below, and use it to start the program.

sudo chmod +x /usr/share/applications/xampp.desktop
cp /usr/share/applications/xampp.desktop ~/Área\ de\ Trabalho/
If your system is in English, use this command to copy the shortcut to your desktop:

cp /usr/share/applications/xampp.desktop ~/Desktop