Productive in Business

Be More Productive in Business with the Following Tools!

Tools that will be presented in this article is divided into 7 sections.

Each of these 7 parts functions different tools ya!

We discussed from personal learning first ok!

  1. Personal Learning

The first thing we discuss is personal learning, why?

Because this is important.

Indeed we need the help of others as your team and there are times when you ask for help from others because of limited skills.

But you also have to upgrade yourself and learn something new

So it’s not your business and your growing team, you too!

Well, here is a list of tools for you!

It’s a simple and easy-to-use tool. You can choose what you want to learn about startup.

You can also get a good resource. It could be articles, reading materials written by famous and inspiring people.

If you want to learn coding from simple to complex like HMTL, Javascript, PHP and many others, you can use this tool.

The cool thing again, you can learn all of it without charge, aka free.

It’s an effective and fun way to learn about digital skills that will be needed to be more creative, work constructively and become more productive.

When learning about new marketing skills, Google Primer becomes the fastest and easiest way.

You can learn basic-basic before going into the deeper part again.

Ga need to be confused again, because at the end of each lesson taken there are special steps. All tailored to your needs.

Will offer courses on marketing, machine , entrepreneurship , etc.

The instructor comes from some of the best universities in his field.

The courses you take are certified, there are video footage while learning, assignments, forums and communities are also for discussion.

This online course offers everything for you.

For personal learning, already. Love check marks! Now we go to the next section.

  1. Time Management

Without time management, everything will get screwed up!

And it turns out, many business people who have difficulty in this one.

If left unchecked, your business can enter into danger zone.

Here is a list of some tools that will help you and your team to be more productive.

This is a great tool for building plans and sharing assignments to your team.

There’s a reminder too, so you will not miss a planned event.

With this tool, you can share the list to others about what you are doing.

It can be accessed from any device so it makes it easy for everyone.

With this tool you can track the time spent by each of your team members in doing their work.

Keep an eye out without having to pace or check on them every hour, in addition to being efficient, you and your team can be more productive.

In addition, this tool will allow your team to create reports based on projects, clients, daily or weekly.

The Internet can be a source of entertainment while relaxing and messing up your time while working.

Neglect a bit, you can linger on the internet and putting aside work.


With this tool, you can disable internet, social media, and other apps that can waste your time.

That way you can focus and become more productive in work.

If you want to hack all the activities, such as tracking time, cost management and invoicing, this is a great tool.

This tool will help you and your team to organize, mentracking, also deliver the budget that has been set in a timely manner.

Launchy is a handy tool. You can open files, folders, documents, and bookmarks with just a few clicks.

So you do not have to bother looking for the program you want to use in computer.

This tool will index the program in your start menu and open your document easily.

If seen from the name is funny, but make no mistake!

This is a great tool for managing online tasks that will help you to be more productive.

You can also share and assign tasks with your team.

Evernote and Google Calendar can also be linked to this tool to get good results.

Time management, check! Sign the tools for this section is complete, but if you are still curious about the time management, you can read articles related to this topic, which is 8 Step Time Management For Entrepreneurs

Go to the next section, tools for team collaboration.

  1. Team Collaboration


What’s cool if a big job can be handled and the result is satisfactory?

But to achieve satisfactory results, your collaboration and team must be good and clear.

Therefore, you need to pay attention to the following list to strengthen your collaboration with the team!

The team from (DMID) used this one tool to communicate with each other and proved very effective and made the team more productive in their work.

By using Slack, you can communicate directly with your team without wasting time.

Slack integrates with Twitter and Mailchimp to ensure that you can switch from one platform to another quickly.

Make a list of tasks to do or notes can be done using Evernote.

You can also record pictures and sketches if you want to share them with your team.

All so practical with Evernote.

Stay organized digitally with Freedcamp!

You can write down a list of tasks or make sticky notes.

Not only that, you can also create events on the calendar so you will not forget the upcoming event.

Use this tool for tracking problems, submitting estimates, and creating invoices.

What this tool offers is flexible and collaborative software that allows you to be more productive and work efficiently with your team and other developers.

In addition, this tool offers secure development for small and large companies.

You can work on code or mentacking bugs on an integrated platform.

Maybe you often hear or use this one tool.

Yes, this tool is a place where you can share files online without worrying if the data is lost.

Your team can download the files you share in DropBox.

Streak is a CRM plugin for Gmail.

Its function is to manage and share your sales leads. So everyday processes can be easily managed intelligently.

Using this tool is a smart and simple way to manage projects and communications with your team.

All organized in one place, so you have the source center for all data and details.

Within this platform, ideas and discussions can be transformed into digital sticky notes for brainstorming and workshops.

Because it’s real-time, everyone can see what’s on the stromboard and can also add ideas and comments easily.

This tool works for sharing passwords with teams and managing platforms that are easily accessed by team members to access applications from one home screen.

Curious as what? You try it!

Team collaboration, check! Well it turns out a lot of good tools missed all this time? Yes, now we know and this will be very useful for business!

Let’s go to the website resources section.

  1. Website Resources

Sometimes looking for design images that fit our desires is difficult.

Some good, but it turns out big budget. Some seem to fit and ok, the quality is less.

How about this?

Well, in the following list for website resources, you can find design drawings to your liking.

Looking for images that have high quality but do not need to buy it?

Look in FreePik. There is a design drawing already provided and you can edit it.

All suits your needs.

Is a tool extension for Freepik, you can find many modern icons that are free for your website and easy to use.

There are also premium features, you can design a special icon for business.

Well, this is often used for beginners to design graphics.

With Canva, you can design logos, posters or post for social media quickly.

You can add your team to use it.

There are many template variations that you can use and combine to use flyers, brochures, infographics.

There are images up to 15000 more in Pablo, so you can design images that can increase engagement with your audience on social media.

This tool is easy to use and the images can be shared to various other social media platforms.

You can get themes and templates to build websites quickly, whether it’s for your personal blog or company.

All templates are responsive and free, but there are premium templates as well.

You can use this tool for social graph comparison activities.

So you can know which best links you can use, and what links are used by competitors.

Add Twitter or Buffer accounts to Crate and share the best articles that are certainly relevant to your business.

Already diceklis? Sip, let’s go to the next section, the increase traffic website.

  1. Increase Website Traffic.

Your business web already exists and runs but does not seem to generate profits?

Probably because people do not know your business any closer.

It’s time to increase your web traffic!

List the following to help you increase traffic.

Provides free tools like Sharing, Heat Maps, Listbuilder, Content Analytics for your website.

In addition to making website traffic increases, you can build a follower and mentracking your success.

You may not be continuously educating visitors for what they can do on the web for 24 × 7.

Therefore, Elevio will help you.

You can also integrate and connect support services that already exist.

The average digital business man will not be unfamiliar with MailChimp.

This is the most popular email marketing tool.

You can send out newsletters and build email lists.

You can directly blast 12,000 emails to 2,000 subscriber for free.

It’s also one of the most popular tools, but it’s more to create online surveys.

In Survey Monkey, there are many survey templates (over 200 templates) that you can choose from.

Starting from a simple poll to a wide market, all as needed.

The result can be your analysis in the backend.

This tool will help you to hack and manage feedback from users and customers.

You can focus on which parts need to be upgraded and which ones will be fixed.

Already? Click again! We will go to the next section, that is marketing.

  1. Marketing


This is an interesting part of the business. Many efforts have to be mobilized to get good results.

But you do not have to work too hard, with some of the following tools, you can work smartly!

Maybe some of you know or use this tool?

Buffer is one tool for social media management.

This tool will help you to post content that you have set the time.

The goal? Increase follower, build engagement with your audience and brand.

You can specify which social platform you want to use.

In addition to Buffer, Hootsuite is also a platform for managing marketing in social media.

In one place, you can easily switch from one platform to another.

You can also analyze to see how good marketing in your social media.

If you want to create a logo for the company, you can stop by the website of this online logo maker.

Quite easy because it takes only 4 steps in creating a logo.

Is a tool that allows to attach call to action into the article.

Want to extract contact information or competitor data easily?

Use Scraper! You can pull content from a web page and export it into an Excel spreadsheet.

Once you have this data, you can use it to create cold-email lists, content topics, and other marketing tactics to get more data.

This platform not only serves as a marketing medium, but also as a social listening.

So it can be useful for content and market topic research.

An online application that allows you to share content quickly and easily, without the need to integrate anything.

You can automate the task to Trello for immediate work.

Sip! Check again, the sign you are done in this section. And hereinafter is the end of this article. Tools for analytics.

  1. Analytics

The platform from Google is cocol for your needs in analyzing.

You just enter the site which should be monitored.

Through tracking code, you can get details of all the parameters you want to know and analyze by your website.


This tool will help you to see how many people are interested in the keywords you enter on the search / related to your business.

Google Keyword Planner can be an effective tool to increase online sales and help you become more productive.

Facebook provides convenience to the businessman in advertising and perform analysis with Facebook Ads.

You can use targeting options to compare approximate size, location and demographics.

In addition it helps you in generating online sales, increasing local sales, promoting your website and increasing brand awareness.