You updated your Play Station 3 for enhancing the user experience. But unfortunately, your PlayStation 3 won’t turn on or doesn’t work properly because of updating your PS3. If you got these types of issues in your PS3, it means your PlayStation 3 operating system has corrupted. Now you will need to restore your PS3 operating system.
If you don’t sure how to restore or troubleshooting your PlayStation 3 or why won’t my PlayStation 3 turn on. You need to follow the below instructions for fixing PlayStation 3 not turning on the problem.
How to boot your PS3 into Safe Mode
You can use the safe mode function for accessing your ps3 basic functions only. It may be helped to resolve the problem and allow to use your PlayStation in normal mode. You can follow the below steps to use Safe Mode in PS3.
1. Connect your PlayStation with controller by using the USB cable.
2. After connecting your controller, you need to press on the power button on your console and hold it for 10 to 15 seconds or wait for shut down your console. The power indicator will blink before turning off or shut down your console.
3. If your console shut down properly, then you can release the power button
4. Now, you need to restart your console by pressing the power button again.
5. Take your controller and press on the PS button to access the safe mode in your PlayStation
How to restore the PlayStation 3 system
You can use the restore option for reverting your ps 3 default settings and functions.
Note: If you will use the restore option, then your all users and save data will be deleted from your PS3.
Follow the below steps for restoring your PS3 system
1. Open the safe mode on your PlayStation and select the Restore PS 3 system options to reset your PlayStation 3 system.
2. After that, you need to follow all the instruction that will appear on your screen to complete the restore process.